
“HEART*IZ” is the second Korean mini album by IZ*ONE. It was released on April 1st 2019, as the second release of the Flower Trilogy, with Violeta serving as the title track.

Official Description[]

Since their debut in 2018, IZ*ONE has been building global momentum by topping domestic and international charts, winning 1st place on music broadcasts, and taking home 5 rookie awards. IZ*ONE announced their comeback with the second mini-album <HEART*IZ> for release on April 1st.

Following the release of their Korean debut album COLOR*IZ last October, Japan’s debut single Suki to Iwasetai sold 220,000 copies upon release, as well as taking 1st place on Japan’s renowned daily singles chart shortly after release. After making a successful entry into both Korea and Japan’s music scene, IZ*ONE comes back after six months with their second mini-album HEART*IZ to set new records and expand their global footprint.

Trailing the successful release of IZ*ONE’s last debut album, producer Han Sung Soo reunited once again for the highly anticipated album HEART*IZ. The title of HEART*IZ is a compound word with 'Heart' and 'IZ*ONE,' representing love and affection which conveys IZ*ONE's sincere stories in the album. With the participation of members in the writing of select songs, a more profound musical sense as an artist can be observed.

Adding to the intensity of IZ*ONE's passion previously shown through 'La Vie en Rose,' HEART*IZ was born with further love and encouragement. While the last debut album compared their passion to a 'rose,' this album aims to deliver IZ*ONE's heartfelt message of encouragement to all listeners and fans alike. Particularly, the song 'Violeta' is a cheerful song that hopes to repay the love and energy received from the public and all fans.

In addition, the title track ‘Violeta’ was partially inspired by the fairytale, ‘The Happy Prince.’, ‘Violeta,’ represents the violet flower, which resembles all the people the members wish to encourage, while IZ*ONE represent the ‘swallow’ which delivers the ‘sapphire,’ representing happiness, to those in need. Thus the reinterpretation holds a message of encouragement that every individual is a shining light just by their pure existence.

Furthermore, this album is full of positive energy with tracks like 'Hey. Bae. Like it,’ 'Highlight' which is an extension of the song 'Violeta' depicting IZ*ONE’s superb charm, ‘Really Like You,’ a friendship-themed track expressing genuine feels for each other, ‘Airplane,’ illustrating IZ*ONE’s future and stage through the comparison of a grand sky, and lastly 'Up' which is a song of affection dedicated to all fans.

As the album HEART*IZ begins with a ‘flower’ and transitions into the ‘sky,’ each track is interconnected with one another. When listening in a sequential order, IZ*ONE's heartfelt love and message for WIZ*ONE can be felt, as well as the direction that they wish to continue as a group.

Moreover, the tracks ‘NEKONI NARITAI’ and ‘GOKIGEN SAYONARA,’ from the Japanese debut single, 'Suki to Iwasetai,' released in February last year, were newly adapted and reborn. As a 12-member unit version, the tracks add a finishing touch to the album which illustrates the unique voice and sensibility of IZ*ONE.

지난 2018년 정식 데뷔와 동시에 연일 기록을 경신하며 국내외 음원 및 음반 차트 석권, 음악 방송 1위, 신인상 5관왕 등 글로벌 인기를 과시하고 있는 아이즈원이 4월 1일 두 번째 미니 앨범 <HEART*IZ(하트아이즈)>로 가요계 컴백을 알렸다.

작년 10월 한국 데뷔 앨범 <COLOR*IZ(컬러라이즈)>를 발매한 데 이어 올해 2월 일본 데뷔 싱글 <좋아한다고 말하게 하고 싶어(好きと言わせたい)>로 초동 22만장을 돌파, 발매와 동시에 일본 오리콘 차트 데일리 싱글 1위를 차지하는 등 한일 양국 가요계에 성공적인 첫 발을 내디딘 아이즈원이 미니 2집 <HEART*IZ(하트아이즈)>로 약 6개월 만에 국내 전격 컴백, 또 한 번의 기록 세우기에 나서며 차세대 글로벌 대세로 확실한 자리매김에 나선다.

수많은 리스너들의 뜨거운 관심 속 발매되는 이번 앨범 <HEART*IZ(하트아이즈)>는 지난 데뷔 앨범을 성공으로 이끈 한성수 프로듀서와 또 한 번 의기 투합에 나섰다. 이번 앨범은 사랑과 마음을 의미하는 영단어 ‘Heart’와 ‘IZ*ONE(아이즈원)’의 합성어로, 아이즈원이 표현하고자 하는 진심의 이야기를 담은 앨범이라는 뜻을 가지고 있다. 일부 수록곡에는 멤버들이 직접 작사에 참여하는 등 아티스트로서 더욱 폭 넓고 깊어진 음악적 감성까지 담아냈다.

<HEART*IZ(하트아이즈)>는 앞서 ‘라비앙로즈 (La Vie en Rose)’를 통해 보여준 아이즈원의 뜨거운 열정에 사랑과 격려를 더해 이를 전하고자 하는 마음으로 탄생했다. 지난 데뷔 앨범에서는 아이즈원이 피워내고자 하는 뜨거운 열정을 ‘장미’로 표현해 냈다면 이번 앨범에서는 팬들을 비롯해 아이즈원의 음악을 듣는 모든 이들에게 응원의 메시지를 전달, 진정성 넘치는 마음을 확인할 수 있다. 특히 타이틀곡 ‘비올레타’는 대중들과 팬들에게 받은 에너지와 많은 사랑에 보답하기 위한 답가이자 아이즈원이 들려주는 응원가 같은 느낌을 선사할 것이다.

또한 타이틀곡 ‘비올레타’는 동화 ‘행복한 왕자’의 스토리 일부분을 착안해 탄생했다. 멤버들이 사랑하고 응원하는 대상을 제비꽃인 ‘비올레타’로 행복을 상징하는 ‘사파이어’를 제비꽃에게 전달하는 ‘제비’를 아이즈원으로 재해석해 모든 이들에게 존재 자체만으로도 빛이 나는 사람이라는 열정 가득한 응원의 메시지를 전하고 있다.

뿐만 아니라 이번 앨범에는 기분 좋은 에너지로 가득 채운 곡 ‘해바라기’와 타이틀곡 ‘비올레타’의 연장선이자 아이즈원의 당당한 매력을 느낄 수 있는 ‘Highlight’, 서로에 대한 각별한 마음을 표현한 우정송 ‘Really Like You’, 아이즈원의 미래와 무대를 하늘이란 넓은 공간으로 표현한 ‘Airplane’, 팬들을 향한 마음을 담아낸 팬송 ‘하늘 위로’가 수록됐다.

이처럼 ‘플라워’로 시작해 ‘하늘’로 이어지는 이번 앨범 <HEART*IZ>는 트랙 별로 유기적인 관계를 가지고 있어 순차적으로 트랙리스트를 듣다 보면 아이즈원이 위즈원에게 느꼈던 사랑의 감정과 전하고자 하는 메시지 그리고 앞으로 아이즈원이 이어나갈 활동의 방향성까지 느낄 수 있다.

이어 올해 2월 발매된 일본 데뷔 싱글 ‘좋아한다고 말하게 하고 싶어(好きと言わせたい)'에 수록된 유닛곡 ‘고양이가 되고 싶어’와 ‘기분 좋은 안녕’이 멤버 김민주와 이채연의 번안으로 재해석 되어 12인 단체 버전으로 수록, 아이즈원 멤버들의 보이스와 남다른 감성을 담아낸 새로운 곡으로 탄생해 앨범의 마지막 트랙을 장식했다.

2018年正式デビューと同時に連日記録を更新しつつ国内外の音源及びCDチャートを席巻、音楽番組1位、新人賞5 冠を獲得するなどグローバル的な人気を集めているIZ*ONEが4月1日に2ndミニアルバム<HEART*IZ>でカムバックすることを知らせた。


多くのリスナーの熱い注目が集まる中 発売される今回のアルバム<HEART*IZ>はデビューアルバムを成功させたハンソンスプロデューサーと再び意気投合することになった。今回のアルバムは愛と心を意味する英語「Heart」と「IZ*ONE」の合成語で、IZ*ONEが表現したい真心の話を込めたアルバムという意味を持っている。一部の収録曲はメンバー自身が作詞に参加するなどアーティストとしてさらに幅広く深みのある感性を込めている。

<HEART*IZ>は「La Vie en Rose」を通じて見せてくれたIZ*ONEの熱い情熱に加え愛と励ましを伝えたいという想いから誕生した。デビューアルバムではIZ*ONEが咲かせようとする熱い情熱を「薔薇」で表現したとすると今回のアルバムではファンのみなさんを始めIZ*ONEの音楽を聴くすべての方々に応援のメッセージを伝えたいという彼女たちの想いが溢れ出すアルバムである。特にタイトル曲「Violeta」は大衆とファンの方々からいただいたエネルギーと多くの愛に答える曲でIZ*ONE が聴かせる応援ソングであると感じるはずだ。


さらに今回のアルバムでは快いエネルギーをぎっしりつめた曲「Hey. Bae. Like it.」とタイトル曲「Violeta」の延長線でありIZ*ONEの堂々とした魅力を感じられる「Highlight」、お互いに対する特別な気持ちを表現した友情ソング「Really Like You」、IZ*ONEの未来とステージを空という広い空間に例えて表現した「Airplane」ファンへの気持ちを込めたファンソング「Up」が収録されている。


続いて今年の2月に発売された日本デビューシングル「好きと言わせたい」に収録されたユニット曲「猫になりたい」と「ご機嫌サヨナラ」がメンバーのキム・ミンジュとイ・チェヨンの韓国語訳で再解釈され12人バージョンで収録、 IZ*ONEメンバーのボイスと特別な感性を入れ込めた新たな曲に誕生しアルバムのラストトラックを飾った。


  1. Hey. Bae. Like it. (해바라기, Haebaragi, Sunflower)
  2. Violeta (비올레타, Biolleta)
  3. Highlight
  4. Really Like You
  5. Airplane
  6. Up (하늘 위로, Haneul Wiro)
  7. NEKONI NARITAI (Korean Version) (고양이가 되고 싶어)
  8. GOKIGEN SAYONARA (Korean Version) (기분 좋은 안녕)



No. Song Duration Audio
01 Hey. Bae. Like it. 3:32
02 Violeta 3:20
03 Highlight 3:28
04 Really Like You 3:10
05 Airplane 3:03
06 Up 3:12
(Korean Version)
(Korean Version)


Background and Release[]

On Feb 25, 2019 Hankook Ilbo reported that IZ*ONE would be making a Korean comeback soon. It was reported the album would be released in April as well.[1] On March 18, an album trailer titled "Where the HEART IZ" was released, for their new album. ON March 25, the tracklist was revealed for the album as well, with the title track revealed to be "Violeta".[2]


On March 19, 2019 JBTC variety show Idol Room announced that all 12 members of IZ*ONE would appear back on the show for their upcoming comeback. It would be set to air on April 2, as well.[3] On April 1, IZ*ONE was also going to perform their songs on MNET's exclusive comeback show, where they would perform songs from their album along with their debut Japanese single "Suki to Iwasetai".[4] On that same day, they also held an in person showcase in Seoul for their album as well. They answered questions and performed songs as well.[5] On April 9, they took their first win for their title track "Violeta".[6]

Commercial Performance[]

On April 8, IZ*ONE recorded physical album sales as over 130,000 on the first week of release. The previous record was set by TWICE with their album Twicetagram with 129,000 over copies.[7]

Physical Album[]

The physical album was released alongside the digital release on April 1st, 2019 and is distributed by Genie Music. The CD is available in 2 color versions, a Violeta (mint) version and a Sapphire (blue) version.

Each album comes with a random clear sleeve and a corresponding mini photo book, featuring one of the 12 members or the full group, totaling 26 possible sleeves which are randomly selected (13 possible sleeves for each color version). A group pop-up card and a booklet is also available in each version.

The album also contains 2 randomly selected member photocards, 2 Violeta ver. and 2 Sapphire ver. photocards per member.


Music Show Wins[]

Date Program Ref
April 9, 2020 The Show [6]
April 10, 2019 Show Champion [8]
April 11, 2019 M! Countdown (MNET) [9]
April 12, 2019 Music Bank [10]
April 16, 2019 The Show [11]
April 17, 2019 Show Champion [12]

Award Show[]

Date Award
2019 Female Group - Best Dance Performance


HEARTIZ album preview
Kihno Kit
HEARTIZ Kihno kit preview

Videos Gallery[]


IZ*ONE (아이즈원) Concept Trailer Where the HEART IZ?


IZ*ONE (아이즈원) 2nd Mini Album HEART*IZ Highlight Medley


IZ*ONE (아이즈원) 2nd Mini Album HEART*IZ Jacket Making Film

See also[]

See also Performances




Jang Won Young Miyawaki Sakura Jo Yu Ri Choi Ye Na An Yu Jin Yabuki Nako
Kwon Eun Bi Kang Hye Won Honda Hitomi Kim Chae Won Kim Min Ju Lee Chae Yeon
Korean discography
Studio Albums
Mini Albums
Digital Singles D-D-DANCE
Japanese discography
Studio Albums
Singles Albums (好きと言わせたい) •
Collaborations Hitsuzensei (IZ4648) • Rise3!4!ZERO:ATTITUDE
Covers MiroticHappinessEnergeticThe BoysSelfishAmor FatiLove Will Show You Everything

Go Go Summer!MisterSailing (0805)Heavy RotationA Thousand MilesOne Sided Love

Concert Exclusive Rumor1000%I AMSee You AgainTo Reach YouRollin' Rollin'
OSTs ChristmasMy LoveStory Of Us
Movies Eyes On Me: The Movie
Reality Shows Produce 48 (Pre-debut)IZ*ONE CHUIZ*ONE CityEat-ing Trip
Photobooks Secret TimeOne DaySecret DiaryIZ*ONE SPECIAL SURPR*IZ PHOTO BOX
Others PerformancesFancamsMusic Videos